New Intake to MiniBoss Business School (Harvard for Kids)

Winter Business Camp and Fest 2021

Genius Vacations 2021! Winter Business Camp and Fest! 

Creative brain: Space Ideas!

We invite children and adolescents 6-17 years old to Winter Business Camp 2021
in the form of a series of courses and educational games in the morning
to develop creative intelligence and the ability to generate unique business ideas!
  • What: popular physics, doodling, TRIZ logic, Art synthesis.
  • How: theory + games (fun and informative!)
  • How much: 900 minutes of use! (20 academic hours per week).
  • Time of lessons: 10.00 am-1.00 pm.
  • Different age groups: 6-8 years old, 9-12 years old, 13-17 years old.
  • Cost of participation: 222 euros (11 euros / acad. hour).